Rachel Rickards

Rachel Rickards

The Field Facilitator Training

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Both Weekends

Rachel is an international leader in the field of personal transformation, intimacy, embodiment, and relating. In 2014 she and co-founded Embodied Intimacy, which became one of the most respected organizations globally. Rachel’s newest passion project “The Field Facilitator Training” is a revolutionary new experiential learning environment for upcoming group facilitators who are passionate about creating fields of deep group-heart coherence and learning how to facilitate group soul emergence.


She/ Her



Workshops presented by

Rachel Rickards

Sacred Roar

Strong energies and emotions typically labeled anger or rage have the possibility to become enlivening forces of passion and power when channeled correctly. The key is that we must go there together, to be met relationally in our full force, with mindful awareness. Join us in the sacred opening that comes from being fully met and expressed in our raw, primal power. This is a strong workshop, where there will likely be loud sound and it will be very physical. Come dressed for a workout. CC.


B2B is relational breathing meditation done in physical connection, cultivating connection by relating with what is here, right now. As we slow down and link up breath & sound we create all these exquisite feedback loops- body2body, belly2belly, heart2heart, & we invite each other into more and more presence, trust and relaxation. What results is a profoundly felt sense of peace and connection, a natural biochemical high that neuro-mirrors intimate love, meditative samadhi and mystical oneness.