shiloh burton

shiloh burton

Healer, Facilitator & Story Artist

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Both Weekends

Shiloh burton is deeply devoted to holding space for authentic representation to counter master narratives via the transformative power of storytelling. They craft contexts to activate audience participation and honor our contradictory, messy and beautiful lived experiences by facilitating shared narratives of resilience, strategy, love, thriving, justice and healing where participants fluctuate between the role of witness, storyteller, creator and co-conspirator of voice/place/space.




Workshops presented by

shiloh burton

Developing & Practicing Your Love Ethic

Love is a practice. Learn the first steps in moving from performative ally to active co-conspirator. Join us to imagine, reflect, embody, make mistakes and plan in community. We will visualize, meditate, share, and commit to showing up to do the work to transform your life to be in alignment with your values. Please bring a journal and an open mind and heart.

Pleasure Alchemy

Come experience pleasure, sensuality & intimacy as healing modalities. Learn to navigate your relationship(s) and life with more presence, purpose and personal power. Using ritual, rhythm & reverence to balance body, mind, spirit and emotions to reframe trauma and shift it. We will play with sensory practices. Large group, small group and individual exercises that are somatic and engage the senses (sound, smell, taste and touch).