
the Journey

SoulPlay is an opportunity to dive deep into our personal growth journey. We welcome the full spectrum of human experience be it feeling expansive and joyful or constricted and closed. Whatever you are feeling, please respect that not everyone feels the way you do. We encourage you to only do things within your window of tolerance and SoulSupport is there to offer help when you need it.

Everything is an invitation and we welcome you taking care of yourself by honoring your no or bowing out of any activity that isn't working for you.

Refrain from
mind altering substances

We ask that when you participate in SoulPlay events to refrain from mind altering substances. Part of the magic of SoulPlay is that we are practicing being our authentic full selves and resting in the trust that every connection is authentically coming from a sober place.

With so many places and permission to explore mind expanding medicine, this is an invitation to remain sober and just see what that's like.

HONOR Consent and boundaries

Consent, at it's best, is a collaboration between two or more people in ongoing verbal, physical, and emotional dialogue.

During our events it can be easy to get swept away in the open hearted loving environment, however, we encourage you to make no assumptions and use this environment to practice ongoing consent and boundary communications.

It is all parties responsibility to ask and speak truthfully about the level of desire for interaction.


SoulPlay events are spaces where people share and open up deeply. It takes a lot of trust for some people to enter this space. We ask that you show up as your most trustworthy self.

That means being aware of your comfort zone, your stretch zone, and your red zone. We ask that you stay within your stretch zone and get support if you are approaching or suddenly find yourself in your red zone.

We also ask that you honor the confidentiality of all your fellow participants and only share your own experience, do not share anyone else's.  

Clothing Optional
Pool Zone

For some, clothing optional spaces are your comfort zone, for others it is an edge pushing experience. During the Festival experience you will have the opportunity, if you so choose, to explore the feeling of being without clothes at the POOL AREA ONLY.

Clothing is required in all other public areas including the workshops. Always sit on a towel or piece of clothing you own when sitting on any furniture while nude.


We celebrate intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality.

Many of our workshops support learning in these areas. You will have opportunities to play in these arenas if you so choose. All SoulPlay events are sensual but not explicitly sexual events. That means we allow sensual energy exchange, making out, snuggling. We DO NOT allow any explicitly sexual activity in any public spaces including pool and workshop spaces. You are welcome to take any sexual activity to your private space like your tent, cabin, or RV/van.

Running sexual energy toward someone that has not agreed to experience sexual energy from you is considered non-consensual and is worthy of an incident report and consequences.  


Clothing Optional
Pool Zone

For some, clothing optional spaces are your comfort zone, for others it is an edge pushing experience. During the Festival experience you will have the opportunity, if you so choose, to explore the feeling of being without clothes at the POOL AREA ONLY.

Bottoms are required in all other public areas including the workshops. We ask everyone to sit on a towel or piece of clothing they own when sitting on any furniture while nude.


We celebrate intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality and many of our workshops support learning in these areas. SoulPlay events are sensual but not explicitly sexual events. That means we allow sensual energy exchange, making out, and snuggling. We DO NOT allow any explicitly sexual activity in any public spaces including pool and workshop spaces. You are welcome to take any sexual activity to your private space like your tent, cabin, or RV/van.

Running sexual energy toward someone that has not agreed to experience sexual energy from you is considered non-consensual and is worthy of an incident report and consequences.  

Deal BReakers

You are responsible for yourself and your actions. Any behavior that conflicts with SoulPlay Agreements may result in removal from our events without refund.