Mischa Byruck

Mischa Byruck

Men’s Sexual Integrity Coach

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Both Weekends

Mischa supports leaders to turn their biggest mistakes into their greatest opportunities for transformation by centering harm-reduction, accountability, power awareness and trauma-informedness. He is certified in somatic trauma therapy, with extensive training in harm reduction, counseling, sexuality, and antiracism. His clients and partners include ISTA, DanceSafe, Bonobo Network, Bloom, and the Consent Academy.


He / Him



Workshops presented by

Mischa Byruck

Primal Play

Wrestle, leap, scamper, paw, sniff, snarl, chirp, bark, purr, and roar as you embody the liberating energy of monkeys, birds, horses, dragons, and lizards. Unleash your inner alien as you investigate the strange and fascinating beings around you! Laugh, get weird, and welcome the sexual and the erotic as optional energies to explore. We will begin slowly, with a variety of choice and consent options, and offer multiple off-ramps and opportunities for pauses and reflection.

Gold Standard Apologies

A powerful restoration practice is a transformative tool for maintaining trust and connection. The Gold Standard Apology is a six-step process informed by the best minds in restorative justice and conscious relating. Activities include dyad story shares, practice sessions and discussion of common pitfalls. Participants emerge with an elevated understanding of what accountability actually looks like, and a concrete practice for conducting restoration in their own lives.