Presenters →

Yoshi Hizon

Yoshi Hizon


Breathwork Facilitator & Embodied Men's Coach




Yoshi HIzon is an embodied men's coach & breathwork facilitator. He is also a Reiki practitioner of 19 years & a certified yoga instructor since 2014. Yoshi has an innate ability to support clients & community by embodying both energetic masculine & feminine energies, helping others bring those qualities into balance. He believes we all have the power to heal & grow through introspection, humor & finding the balance between our lightness & darkness with spiritual & physical practices.


Workshops presented by

Yoshi Hizon


Tune Into Purpose with Breath

We often see Purpose as our responsibilities: family, jobs or what we do for others, but what we are really after is the bigger picture of what our life’s calling may be trying to tell us. We are listening! Explore using the physical body as a tool to understand & loosen the blockages that have held us back from our deeper purpose. We will dive into ourselves through movement, yoga & guided breathwork to create space for our soul’s deeper purpose that wants to reveal itself.